Monday, November 5, 2007

VH-1's The Shot

I have to say that I really like the idea behind VH-1's newest reality show. The competition is among photographers who want to become famous and get their name and work noticed. Each on of the contestants really do need to get over a ton of hang-ups as well as treat the models and subjects as if they are humans. Dean orginally from Bosnia was the worst, in my opinion -- I would have voted him out after the first shoot and especially after his interaction with the Victoria Secret model. You know, Dean, she is human!

Piper and Ivan really need to work with other people better. Both of them got the leadership role in the two different groups on the boat just because their original photographs were better than the others. Unfortunately they have no social skills whatsoever. Ivan, simply was unable to take charge. On the other hand, Piper did not let her teammates bring anything to the table and at the end of the shoot chewed out her teammates for not listening to her. She also sounded like a parent who lost control of her children not talking to someone on her own level. Yes, I am a parent so I do know what I see when I see it.

The one person I see potential in is Robin. Airic amnd Bree have a little potential as well.

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