Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Anyone Agree? (Two-and-a-Half Men)

Does anyone agree that the series is seeming to be getting boring. It was great in the begining when the boy was young and cute and Charlie (Charlie Sheen) was horny and had a different episode and maybe even more.

Yes, I know that a man must someday grow up or at least that is the hope for the family members involved but damn him dating the same gal for several episodes is simply not Charlie at all.

Jake (Angus Jones) is now a junior high-schooler now and simply looks awkward and is really no longer half a man. For me the cuteness has worn off. Angus is very good actor but I simply think it is time for him to go and the series to end.

What can I say it was good in the hay day but that day is long gone!

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