Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Leave Jerry Leave!!!

I do have something to say here that is for sure -- Jerry needs to leave the Big Brother house this week. I do not care about the April/Ollie alliance, that yes is strong. I WANT Jerry gone as the whole show would be easier to watch when he is GONE from our view. I have to say the man has a mean streak that I have never seen in a guy his age (my step-dad is the same age and I have never heard him say anything that comes close to the trash that comes from Jerry's mouth).


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another BB Blog

I have yet another blog to turn you to if you are a Big Brother fan... it is TRD BBDishin'. The person has helped Caroline out on her sit BBDish! Ya Gotta Have It! for awhile and has decided to start a blog to represent therir own views on the houseguests. Have fun and enjoy others' blogs while I do the same.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Big Brother 10

As usual I can't seem to get into the season at this time. For those of you who can get into this season please go to BB10Dish Gotta Have It! ... I know as with every season it just takes me time to get into the cast of characters and really get to liking any of them. At this point all I can say is I am rooting for Keesha and Ollie. Of course my husband knows exactly why I am rooting for Ollie and now you will also know -- I have always had a thing for white men with long hair like my husband and bald black men like Ollie. What can I say I like extremes and the average white collar worker is not for me.

I will keep watching as I am a die hard fan of Big Brother but I know it will be a struggle. I know the age and generation difference has had a profound impact on me because I know it is hard for me to watch the conflicts the ages has on each of the houseguests.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Big Brother 9 Update and Link to Other Blog

I am so glad they are back to individual play and that we are half-way through the season. Many of the House Guests (HG's) are really annoying the heck out of me.

I just thought I would put a link here to the blog I go to on a regular updates in real time:

Http:// .. The updates are great and there are many of the live feeds on them so for those of us who don't babysit the live feeds on realplayer then this is the place to go or go to for others live feed entries.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Big Brother 9

I am still not sure what to think about the show quite yet but I do have to say that I like the summer version much better. I also know that I do not like the fact that the contestants are having to compete as soul mates. There are a few couples that just seem so unfit for each other.

I will have to sit back and try and get through the hell of the first few weeks ands then see if I still like it. I do have the live feed but of course I am not a late night person and thus I probably miss much of what happens in the house guests waking hours. I also do not get showtime so the late night

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

TV has become almost a nuisance

What can I say: The writer's strike is killing television. Unless you are a reality show fan or maybe you hate the television in general you have started noticing that some of the sit-coms have already hit re-runs and your dramas are about to hit that point to. The writer's guild is going to have to get their act together to save television.

What is going to happen to the others involved in the industry that depend on their jobs to put meals on the table? They studied or worked many years to master their art and now they are being stymied by the hell involved.

I just want resolution!!

Friday, November 9, 2007


I hate the way the writers portrayed Dr. Abby Lockhart (Maua Tierney) in a position where she would put her son in a car while she was drunk and almost get into an accident before going after a Taxi instead. The fact that we have many celebs and even regular everyday people that do this is bad enough but to actually put it on television is awful.

It is not okay even to drink and drive but to put a kid in that situation is even more irresponsible on a writer's part. In a society that looks up to the television and celebrity lifestyle is bad enough writers should not knowingly write in scenes of drunk driving especially when there was no consequences for the character, Abby Lockhart. It shows that as long as you don't get caught everything is okay.

On another note: I will be so glad when Dr. Luka Kovac (Goran Visnjic) comes back next week. I really do miss him and have felt there is much missing while he has been gone.

I get most of my information from The Internet Movie Database, ER"

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Writer's Guild Strike

Come on people that head The Writer's Guild Association get your damn act together. Is it going to come down to having independent writers like myself going into writing scripts and monologues for all our tv shows and heck maybe those writers that want to be known for their work will become known just because those in the Guild cannot write as they are forced out of work because of their membership.

I do believe that late night talk show hosts need to learn how to think and write for themselves though because they are going to lose their viewing audience if they can't get back on the air soon. I would hate to see Jay Leno and even David Lettermen losing their shows just because people have decided that actually going to bed is better than staying up to catch the craziness that the writer's came up with in regards to the day's events. Why is it the hosts can't write?

Monday, November 5, 2007

VH-1's The Shot

I have to say that I really like the idea behind VH-1's newest reality show. The competition is among photographers who want to become famous and get their name and work noticed. Each on of the contestants really do need to get over a ton of hang-ups as well as treat the models and subjects as if they are humans. Dean orginally from Bosnia was the worst, in my opinion -- I would have voted him out after the first shoot and especially after his interaction with the Victoria Secret model. You know, Dean, she is human!

Piper and Ivan really need to work with other people better. Both of them got the leadership role in the two different groups on the boat just because their original photographs were better than the others. Unfortunately they have no social skills whatsoever. Ivan, simply was unable to take charge. On the other hand, Piper did not let her teammates bring anything to the table and at the end of the shoot chewed out her teammates for not listening to her. She also sounded like a parent who lost control of her children not talking to someone on her own level. Yes, I am a parent so I do know what I see when I see it.

The one person I see potential in is Robin. Airic amnd Bree have a little potential as well.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Young and the Restless

No, Paul was not talking about Victoria but he was talking about the female prosecutor, whose name escapes me at the moment. He knows that she is his long lost daughter from a relationship from his past when he was a teenager or very young adult with a gal named April.

The prosecutor does not know the truth yet but I think that the female detective he is dating is about to convince him to reveal himself to the prosecutor. We shall see.

Private Practice

My gosh, my gosh when the hell are Pete (Tim Daly) and Addison(Kate Walsh) going to get together for real you know they love each other? I know she wants a kid real bad so the thing that the writers should do is get them together, in bed, then oops she gpot pregnant, and go from there. Pete maybe will thus change his mind about marriage once a child is involved.

I missed something last night because I was running around a whole lot so what was it the patient actually had that will kill her if reasearch did not find a cure soon? All I knew was that she was going to leave her husband because of it but Addison, Naomi(Audra McDonald) and t5he lady's own husband talk her into staying and having a baby that they first came into the clinic to find out why they could not get pregnant.

I love the show and would say it is the best new drama of the season.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Young and the Restless

Did I hear Paul right and was he truly talking about Victoria or someone else? Is she his daughter and not Victor's? I know that anything is possible but I cannot remember who is whose anymore so that is baffling to me.

I certainly do hope they do not kill Victoria off but on soaps I can imagine them doing so because how else can they have someone haunt others except by first killing them, hehe.

Have a great Haunting Halloween everyone!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Anyone Agree? (Two-and-a-Half Men)

Does anyone agree that the series is seeming to be getting boring. It was great in the begining when the boy was young and cute and Charlie (Charlie Sheen) was horny and had a different episode and maybe even more.

Yes, I know that a man must someday grow up or at least that is the hope for the family members involved but damn him dating the same gal for several episodes is simply not Charlie at all.

Jake (Angus Jones) is now a junior high-schooler now and simply looks awkward and is really no longer half a man. For me the cuteness has worn off. Angus is very good actor but I simply think it is time for him to go and the series to end.

What can I say it was good in the hay day but that day is long gone!

The Big Bang Theory

The best new comedy of the season! I love the fact that nerds can be funny, too. There is also the fact that there is a semi reunion of the cast of Roseanne with the actors Johnny Galecki (Leonard) who was David on Roseanne and Sara Gilbert(Leslie) whom played Roseanne's middle child, D.J., and then of course in one episode Laurie Metcalf(Mary) Roseanne's sister Jackie.

Kaley Cuoco and the other cast members bring a fresh new look to the fact that nerds are people too and need friends as well. I have to say that I have always been attracted to the nerd type of person and know that they are just as loveable, if not more so, as the jock or metro-sexual.